Construction of the Ventura Marsh restoration project began in 2010 and was completed in the fall of 2011. Project features included replacing the existing stop log outlet structure, installing a new pumping station, and dredging a flow channel to allow for de-watering of the marsh. DNR wildlife managers
began the initial drawdown of Ventura Marsh in the late fall of 2011. The marsh will be kept in a dry or low water condition for one or two seasons to allow for carp eradication and aquatic plant establishment.
A more detailed explanation of the marsh management plan can be found at the link below.
The ultimate goal of the project is to improve the water quality and wildlife habitat the marsh provides by reducing carp and reestablishing aquatic vegetation in the marsh.
Before restoration, the marsh was inputting about 40% of the sediment Clear Lake receives annually, so it is a vital part of the overall lake restoration project. Water monitoring at the outlet of Ventura Marsh will
continue to take place to track the changes in water quality as a result of restoration activities.
The total construction cost of the project is about $2.6 million, which is primarily funded by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The state cost share amount is estimated to be about $850,000.
Please follow the links below for more information on the efforts to restore Ventura Marsh.